Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Research of Key Terms

Meaning: Joint Photographic Experts Group.

This is the most common image format used for storing and transmitting images, and is useful because it takes up less memory - due to its reduced size from the original image, but keeping the quality of the full sized image. What a JPEG is is a compressed (compression is normally 10:1) digital photo file, where the size of the file is determined by quality of photos (i.e. low, optimized, high).


Meaning: Photoshop Document.

This is a file specifically for Adobe Photoshop software documents, which can only be opened if your laptop/computer contains Photoshop; if you create and save a file in Photoshop it will be referred to as a '.psd' file. It does not compress it all together like a JPEG - meaning, when you open the file up all the layers will still be there.

Meaning: InDesign Document.

This is a file specifically for Adobe InDesign software documents, and again can only be opened if your laptop/computer contains InDesign; if you create and save a file in InDesign it will be referred to as a '.indd' file. Same as with Photoshop, it does not compress it all together like a JPEG - meaning, when you open the file up all the layers will still be there.


Meaning: Bitmap.

This is a type of memory organization or, same as a JPEG, a pixel-based image file format used for digital images - especially images on Microsoft Windows. It only supports the RGB color space, therefore they cannot be used on the Internet (you would have to convert it to be able to upload the image onto the Internet).

Meaning: Number of pixels per square inch on the computer.

This is how many pixels on a computer-generated screen (per square inch) are displayed; basically, the greater the resolution the better the picture in terms of sharpness  and clarity. Resolution is normally referred to when describing items like monitors and printers graphic images, etc.

Meaning: Portable Document Format.

This is a software created by Adobe and is useable on any computer as all computers have Acrobat; it is good to save, for example, PSD's as a PDF file because - if you're sending the document to another computer - that computer may not have Photoshop and therefore will not be able to open.

Meaning: Graphic Interchange Format.

This is a bitmap image format, which is a form of image storing that is used on the internet for both still and animated images. With a GIF there are 8 pixels per bitmap - which allows over 200 colours to be used on a image from the 24-bit RGB color space.

Meaning: Picture Element.

This is the smallest screen element to me seen on an image, so basically a pixel is each individual square of an image that you can see which makes up the picture - which you can see if you zoomed into an image closely.

Meaning: RAW Image Format.

A RAW camera/scanner image is an image that has not had it's data processed yet - so it can't be editied or even printed. This also means that, if they are a RAW file, they have not been changed or compressed. But unfortunately you need the right software to be able to open them, they can't just be opened anywhere and everywhere.

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